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Illinois State Museum
> Manufacturers


Foreword Morton
	 D. Barker The Collection History of Paperweights ManufacturersTechniquesRelated Objects Gallery of Paperweights Glossary of terms Paperweight Resources Search

Napoleon III Sulphide Portrait
Zoom in on Napoleon III Sulphide Portrait Napoleon III Sulphide Portrait on Blue
Clichy, circa 1845-55

The Morton D. Barker Paperweight Collection contains objects that were manufactured in Europe, the United States, and Asia.

The three manufacturers most renowned for the production of paperweights in the ninetheenth century were the French firms of Baccarat, Saint Louis, and Clichy. They produced the highest quality glass in Europe at that time. A fourth French paperweight maker was Pantin. Paperweights were being manufactured from about 1845 in France, and production continued until about 1860, when they went out of fashion.

American glass companies represented in the Barker Collection are the New England Glass Company, Boston & Sandwich Glass Company, Morgantown Glassware Guild, and Whitall & Tatum Company. Individual glass artists represented are Ronald Hansen, and Charles Kaziun, and Emil Larson, who also worked for several glass companies.

British glass companies are also represented in the collection by a millefiori weight by George Bacchus and Sons of Birmingham, and two objects attributed to Apsley Pellatt of London.

Glass paperweights or other objects from Sweden, Bohemia, and China are also found in the collection. A few paperweights cannot be positively attributed to any specific manufacturer or country.

State of Illinois
Dept. of Natural Resources
Illinois State Museum
Copyright 2002, Illinois State Museum Society