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Top : Techniques : Millefiori


Millefiori paperweight designs come in a large number of patterns, from a simple circle of cane slices, to clusters, lines, loops, garlands, and concentric patterns. Canes ranged from simple rods to elaborate Clichy Roses and name, date, and figural canes.

Chequer Millefiori on FiligreeFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702259)Chequer millefiori with spaced millefiori canes, including one pink and one white Clichy rose; canes separated by short lengths of white filgree twists; backed by parallel lengths of white filigree twists; sides cut with two rows of five circular printies each, one on top Millefiori Mushroom on AmberFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702261)Close concentric millefiori mushroom on an amber-flashed base; sides cut with six circular printies, one on top Magnum MillefioriFranceBaccarat (signed), dated 1847Diameter: 10.2 cm (4 inches)(702265)Magnum close millefiori, including ten silhouette canes and one signed and dated cane inscribed &quotB/1847;" diamond-cut base Close MillefioriFranceBaccarat (signed), dated 1848Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702273)Close millefiori, including five silhouette canes and one signed and dated cane inscribed &quotB/1848." Moss Carpet Ground MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 8 cm (3 1/8 inches)(702274)&quotMoss" carpet ground inset with spaced millefiori canes, including one large pink Clichy rose Chequer MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702275)Chequer millefiori with spaced millefiori canes, including one pink Clichy rose; canes separated by short lengths of white filigree twists; backed by parallel lengths of white filigree twists Close Concentric Millefiori with Nineteen Clichy RosesFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 8 cm (3 1/8 inches)(702278)Close concentric millefiori with six concentric rings of millefiori canes in deep purple, pink, green, and white around a pink Clichy center rose; eighteen white Clichy roses alternate with green canes in the second outermost ring; pink and white stave basket Chequer MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.5 cm 2 1/2 inches)(702283)Chequer millefiori with spaced millefiori canes, including one pink Clichy  rose; canes separated by short lengths of green and white twisted ribbons encircled by white filigree twists; backed by parallel lengths of white filigree twists Magnum Spaced MillefioriFranceBaccarat (signed), dated 1848Diameter: 9.5 cm (3 3/4 inches)(702290)Magnum weight with spaced millefiori canes, including thirteen silhouette canes and one signed and dated cane inscribed &quotB/1848;" set on a white filigree ground containing blue, green, red, and yellow twisted ribbons; diamond-cut base Close Concentric Millefiori with White Lattice BasketFranceSaint Louis (signed), dated 1848Diameter: 8 cm (3 1/8 inches)(702295)Close concentric millefiori with nine concentric rings of multicolored millefiori canes, including one black signed and dated cane inscribed &quotSL/1848" in the outermost ring; solid basket pedestal base formed of white lattice with a white spiral torsade at the rim and foot (see side view) Close Concentric Millefiori with Basket BaseFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702296)Close concentric millefiori with six concentric rings of multicolored millefiori canes; cluster of three green canes in center; pedestal base with blue and white staves; rounded foot Stardust MillefioriFranceBaccarat (signed), dated 1848Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702297)&quotStardust" carpet ground inset with spaced millefiori canes, including nine silhouettes and one signed and dated cane inscribed &quotB/1848" Turquoise Carpet Ground MillefioriFrance Baccarat (signed), dated 1848Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702298)Carpet ground of pale turqouise honeycomb canes with red and white ribbed centers; inset with spaced millefiori canes, including eight silhouettes and one signed and dated cane inscribed &quotB/1848" Spaced Millefiori on Carpet GroundFranceBaccarat (signed), dated 1848Diameter: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 inches)(702299)Carpet ground of blue and white star and rod canes; inset with spaced millefiori canes, including five silhouettes and one signed and dated cane inscribed &quotB/1848" Six-lobed Garland MillefioriFrance,Baccarat, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702301)Garland millefiori with a white six-lobed garland, encircling a ring of green, red, and white canes around a white and blue center cane; yellow silhouette canes spaced in each lob, single red canes spaced between lobes Spaced Millefiori on FiligreeFranceBaccarat (signed), dated 1847Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702303)Spaced millefiori canes, including twelve silhouette canes and one signed and dated cane inscribed "B/1847; Chequer MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702306)Chequer millefiori with spaced millefiori canes, including two white Clichy roses; canes separated by short lengths of white filigree twists; backed by parallel lengths of filigree twists Close Concentric Millefiori with Six Clichy RosesFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702302)Close concentric millefiori with six concentric rings of millefiori canes in pale green, white, dark blue, and pink; innermost ring comprised of six white Clichy roses encircling a red center cane; shallow blue and white stave basket Fluted Garland MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702308)Garland millefiori with one green and one pink cinquefoil garland, around a blue center cane; on a white filigree ground backed with parallel lengths of white filigree twists; sides cut with five circular printies separated by five vertically cut flutes; circular printy cut on top; (formerly in the collection of King Farouk of Egypt) Spaced Millefiori on FiligreeFranceBaccarat, dated 1849Diameter: 6 cm (2 3/8 inches)(702310)Spaced millefiori canes, including five silhouette canes and one dated cane inscribed " 1849;" on a white filigree ground Star Carpet Ground with Spaced MillefioriFranceBaccarat (signed), dated 1848Diameter: 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702312)Carpet ground of green, red, and white star canes; inset with spaced millefiori canes, including eight silhouettes and one signed and dated cane inscribed &quotB/1848;" sides cut with four rows of five- and six-sided printies; ten-sided printy cut on top Five-circlet Garland MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter; 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702319)Garland millefiori with five circlets in white, pink, and red canes, each containing a white Clichy rose; encircling a central blue and red circlet with a pink Clichy rose center; on an opaque blue ground; lower sides cut with nine four-sided printies tapering to the base Clichy Rose Close Concentric MillefioriFranceClichy, gilded base dated 1845Diameter: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 inches)(702323)Close concentric millefiori with six rings of millefiori canes in deep purple, green, pink, and white around a pink Clichy rose; fourth ring contains twenty-one pink Clichy roses; fifth ring contains thirteen white Clichy roses; pedestal column of blue and white staves; gilded metal foot (see side view and QTVR) engraved Turquoise Cinquefoil Garland MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 8.2 cm (3 1/4 inches)(702324)Garland millefiori with a turquoise garland, encircling three concentric circles of red, pink, and green canes, around a pink Clichy rose center; green and pink canes spaced between lobes; on a white filigree ground backed with parallel lengths of white filigree twists Turquoise Chequer MillefioriFranceBaccarat, dated 1849Diameter: 8 cm (3 1/8 inches(702332)Chequer millefiori with spaced millefiori canes, including seven silhouettes and one dated cane inscribed &quot1849;" canes separated by a grid of overlapping turquoise rods (opaque white overlaid with translucent blue); on a white filigree ground Pattern Millefiori with Clichy RoseFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter; 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702343)Pattern millefiori with concentric rings of millefiori canes in white, pink, green, and purple, around a central pink Clichy rose; sides cut with six circular printies, one on top Magnum Millefiori MushroomFranceBaccarat, circa 1845-55Diameter: 14.9 cm (5 7/8 inches)(702344)Magnum weight enclosing a close millefiori mushroom; star-cut base; sides cut with six rows of circular printies in graduated sizes, one on top Bacchus Close Concentric MillefioriEnglandGeorge Bacchus and SonsUnion Glass Works, Birmingham, circa 1845-55Diameter: 8.6 cm (3 3/8 inches)(&02345)Close concentric millefiori with five concentric rings of millefiori canes in white, blue, orange, and yellow encircling a large yellow-lined pastry-mold center cane Spaced Millefiori Set in Rose PinkFranceClichy (?), circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702348)Spaced millefiori canes in green, red, white, and pink; set in a rose pink over opaque white ground; canes set deep into concavities in ground Miniature Close MillefioriFranceBaccarat, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.8 cm (1 7/8 inches)(702350)Miniature close millefiori weight, including two animal silhouette canes Miniature Close MillefioriFranceBaccarat (signed), dated 1847Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702356)Miniature close millefiori weight, including one silhouette cane and one signed and dated cane inscribed &quotB/1847" Miniature Pattern Millefiori with Clichy RoseFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702357)Miniature pattern millefiori weight with concentric rings of millefiori canes in green, pink, and purple, around a central pink Clichy rose Looped Garland MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55diameter: 8 cm (3 1/8 inches)(702359)Garland millefiori with six loops of alternating light blue, dark blue, and pink, green, and white canes; arranged pinwheel fashion around a central red circlet, enclosing a green and white center cane; on an opaque white ground Miniature ClichyFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702361)Miniature weight with spaced millefiori canes, including a large centered pink Clichy rose and one white Clichy rose Miniature Pattern Millefiori on RedFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.2 cm (1 5/8 inches)(702362)Miniature pattern millefiori with concentric rings of millefiori canes in green, white, and blue, around a central pink Clichy rose; on an opaque red ground Cruciform Pattern MillefioriUnited StatesNew England Glass Company (attributed)Cambridge, Massachusetts, circa 1852-80Diameter: 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702368)Cruciform pattern millefiori canes around a central red cane; single multicolored cane in each quadrant; on a white spiral latticinio ground; sides cut with eight circular printies; top cut with four printies forming quatrefoil with crowsfoot cut between lobes Miniature Pattern Millefiori on BlueFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.2 cm (1 5/8 inches)(702369)Miniature pattern millefiori with concentric rings of millefiori canes in blue, green, and white, including five pink Clichy roses in the outermost ring; center white flower-shaped cane Miniature Pattern MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(7023770)Miniature pattern millefiori weight with concentric rings of millefiori canes in pale pink, green, and purple, around a central white Clichy rose Miniature Single Cane on JasperFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702376)Miniature weight with a single red, white, and blue millefiori cane on a green and white jasper ground Cinquefoil Garland MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.6 cm 3 inches)(702380)Garland millefiori with a light blue cinquefoil garland, encircling three concentric rings of green and purple canes; fourteen pink Clichy roses form a second ring around a white center cane; pink and red canes spaced between lobes; star-cut base; sides cut with five large circular printies; circular facet cut on top Blown Glass Bottle Shape with Garland MillefioriFranceBaccarat, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 inches) Height: 9.8 cm (3 7/8 inches)(702381)Solid blown glass bottle shape with a garland millefiori paperweight base; two interlocked trefoils in blue and white encircling a ring of white, green, and red canes, around a red, white, and blue center cane; oval-shaped stopper Spaced Concentric Millefiori on BlueFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702382)Spaced concentric millefiori with three spaced rings; outer ring with alternating pink and green canes, middle ring with alternating dark blue and white canes, inner ring of white canes; around a pink and white center cane; on a light blue opaque ground Pink and White Pattern MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter:7.6 cm (3 inches)(702383)Pattern millefiori with pink and white millefiori canes on an opaque light blue ground, including one lavender and yellow signature cane inscribed with a blue &quotC." Garland MIllefiori on FiligreeFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702387)Garland millefiori with five circlets in blue, green, purple, and red canes, each containing a single center cane, encircling a central pink circlet with a green center cane; on a white filigree ground backed with parallel lengths of white filigree twists Spaced Millefiori on FiligreeFrance Baccarat, dated 1849Diameter: 6 cm (2 3/8 inches)(702388)Spaced millefiori canes, including six silhouette canes and one dated cane inscribed &quot1849" (&quot1849" reversed); on a white filigree ground Miniature Clichy Spaced MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702389)Miniature weight with spaced millefiori canes, including one pink Clichy rose Pentagonal Miniature MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702393)Miniature pattern millefiori weight with blue, green, and red millefiori canes, including ten white Clichy roses in the outermost ring; sides cut with five circular printies, one on top Magnum Millefiori with One Hundred SilhouettesFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 10.8 cm (4 1/4 inches)(702401)Magnum weight in close concentric millefiori pattern; nine concentric rings of millefiori canes in blue, pink, green, and white; incorporating over one hundred tiny silhouettes, including many portrait silhouettes Quatrefoil Garland MillefioriFanceBaccarat, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702403)Garland millefiori with a quatrefoil garland of alternating red and green canes, encircling four loops of blue canes, each enclosing a white center cane; spaced around two concentric rings of red, white, and green and blue canes; around a red and white center cane; on a white filigree ground Scrambled MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702407)Miniature weight with scrambled millefiori canes Miniature Single Cane MillefioriFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702408)Miniature weight with a single red, white, and blue millefiori cane on a blue and white jasper ground Miniature &quotC" Scroll Garland MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702409)Miniature &quotC" scroll millefiori weight with pink, purple, white, green, and light blue canes; including one white Clichy rose Miniature Millefiori with Silhouette CaneFranceBaccarat, circa 1850-1950Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702410)Miniature close concentric millefiori weight with a circa 1850 antique pelican silhouette cane, encircled by two concentric rings on later Baccarat canes in white and pale pink Carpet Ground MillefioriFrance Saint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702412)Carpet ground of red star-centered, white cog canes; inset with five circular groupings of light blue, pink, green, and white canes; around a central floret in red and white Close millefiori with BasketFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.7 cm (2 5/8 inches)(702414)Close millefiori, including one pink and white Clichy rose; pink and white stave basket Clichy Close MillefioriFranceClichy (signed), circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702415)Close millefiori, including one pink and two white Clichy roses and one light blue signature cane inscribed with a red &quotC;" blue and white stave basket &quotC" Garland Millefiori on BlueFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702416)&quotC" scroll garland millefiori with five scrolls in green, pink, and white, encircling two concentric rings; inner ring comprised of nine pink Clichy roses around a green center cane; on a dark blue opaque ground Miniature Pattern Millefiori with Clichy RosesFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702357)Miniature pattern millefiori weight with concentric rings of millefiori canes in white, blue, and red, including ten pink Clichy roses in the outermost ring Miniature Close MillefioriFranceBaccarat, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702421)Miniature close millefiori weight composed of various star, cog, bull's eye, and spiralling canes Millefiori Wax SealFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 3.2 cm (1 1/4 inches) Length: 8 cm (3 1.8 inches)(702460)Wax seal with a close concentric millefiori papereweight head; two concentric rings of green, red, and white, and white canes; encircling a pink, green, and white center cane; cut glass stemLetter-writers closed their documents and envelopes by melting wax, dripping it onto the edge of the flap, and pressing it down with a wax seal, which often had an insignia, crest, or monogram on it that identified the sender. The seal, when not in use, rested in a wafer dish, two examples of which are in the Barker Collection. Garland Millefiori on RedFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702435)Garland millefiori with five white loops of white and green millefiori canes; single white canes spaced between loops; red and white center cane; on an opaque red ground Close MillefioriFranceBaccarat, dated 1849Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702436)Close millefiori, including two silhouette canes and one dated cane inscribed &quot1849." Signed Close MillefioriFranceBaccarat (signed), dated 1846Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702437)Close millefiori, including one signed and dated cane inscribed &quotB/1846;" sides cut with three rows of five- and six-sided facets; eight-sided facet on top Millefioroi Tazza or Wafer DishFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 8.9 cm (3 1/2 inches) Height: 8.9 cm (3 1/2 inches)(702438)Wafer dish with scrambled millefiori paperweight base; scrambled millefiori canes mixed with colored ribbons and short lengths of white filigree twists; blue and white spiral twist encircling crimped rim of dishA tazza is a shallow dish. It was adopted for letter-writing use in the Victorian Era to store wafers and sticks of wax that were used to seal envelopes and documents, and writers rested the wax seal on it. Millefiori Wafer DishFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 8.9 cm (3 1/2 inches) Height: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 inches)(702439)Wafer dish with pattern millefiori paperweight base; outer ring of multicolored millefiori canes encircling a ring of five spaced white canes, around a central pink, white, and green cane; pink and white spiral twist encircling rim Miniature Single Cane MillefioriFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.2 cm (1 5/8 inches)(702449)Miniature weight with a single chartreuse, pink, and blue millefiori cane on a blue and white jasper ground Pastel Carpet Ground MillefioriFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 inches)(702454)Carpet ground of pink-lined white cog canes; inset with five green rings of canes, each enclosing a silhouette; around a central grouping of green, pink, blue, and white canes Spaced Millefiori on Dark RedFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702456)Spaced millefiori canes in white, green, purple, and blue; set in a dark red-over-opaque ground; diamond-cut base Miniature Twentieth Century Millefiori with BubblesPossibly England or Scotlandfactory unknown, mid-twentieth centuryDiameter: 4.2 cm (1 5/8 inches)(702470)Miniature close concentric millefiori weight with gray, white, orange, and pale green millefiori canes; clear bubble center; on a gray sand ground Pattern Millefiori on JasperFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702473)Pattern millefiori with five chartreuse and white millefiori canes spaced around a central pink, white, and blue cane; on a blue and white jasper ground Spaced MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 8.2 cm (3 1/4 inches)(702479)Spaced millefiori canes, including five pink Clichy roses Concentric Carpet GroundFranceClichy (attributed), circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702480)Carpet ground millefiori with three concentric bands of color encircling a ring of white millefiori canes, around a center cluster of red canes; backed by parallel lengths of white filigree twists Parallel Rows MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.6 cm (3 inches)(702481)Pattern millefiori with seven parallel rows of millefiori canes in white, green, blue, pink, and purple; on an opaque white ground Cinquefoil Garland MillefioriFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 8 cm (3 1/8 inches)(702482)Garland millefiori with a cinquefoil garland of alternating green and white canes, around a light blue center cane; single canes in red, light blue, dark blue, and green and white spaced between lobes; on an opaque pale pink ground Millefiori MushroomFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.5 cm (2 1/2 inches)(702483)Close concentric millefiori mushroom with pink and white staves; twelve white Clichy roses appear in the fourth ring of mushroom; grid-cut base; remains of white overlay along lower sides; dome reground Miniature MillefioriPossibly Bohemiafactory unknown, mid- to late-nineteenth centuryDiameter: 4.2 cm (1 5/8 inches)(702488)Miniature spaced concentric millefiori weight with an outer ring of white millefiori canes; inner ring of blue canes encircling a white center cane; flat ground base Millefiori on Lattice Pedestal BaseFranceSaint Louis (signed), dated 1848Diameter: 8 cm (3 1/8 inches)(702295)Close concentric millefiori with nine concentric rings of multicolored millefiori canes, including one black signed and dated cane inscribed Close Concentric Millefiori on Gilded Base (side view)FranceClichy, base dated 1845Diameter: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 inches)(702323)Close concentric millefiori with six rings of millefiori canes in deep purple, green, pink, and white around a pink Clichy rose; fourth row contains twenty-one pink Clichy roses; fifth ring contains thirteen white Clichy roses; pedestal column of blue and white staves; gilded metal foot (which could have been added at any time) engraved Carpet Ground MillefioriFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 inches)(702453)Carpet ground of blue-lined pink and white cog canes; inset with five green rings of canes, each enclosing a silhouette; around a central grouping of pink and green canes Three Glass RodsFrance(left) Saint Louis (attributed), circa 1964Diameter: 1 cm square (3/8 inch square) Full length: 35 cm (13 3/4 inches)(702494)Four-sided glass rod enclosing opaque white filigree twists; beveled ends(center) Baccarat (attributed), circa 1964Diameter: 2 cm (3/4 inch) Full length: 23.7 cm (9 5/16 inches)(702491)Octagonal glass rod with a white filigree twist enclosing four pink twisted rods(right) Saint Louis (attributed), circa 1964Diameter: 2.3 cm (7/8 inch) Full length: 27.5 cm (10 13/16 inches)(702493)Octagonal glass rod enclosing blue, white, pink, red, and light blue twisted rods; ovel cuts in glass encircling rod near center; narrow faceting on ends; rod tapers toward one end This graphic illustrates steps in the proces of creating a patterned glass cane.Step A: A gather of molten glass is lowered into a steel pattern mold, which may be several inches in diameter.Step B: The now (star) shaped gather is then lowered into another mold (this one round) that is half-filled with molten glass of a second color. The gather picks up the colored glass, (encasing the star). Step C: A second pontil with another gather of glass is attached to the opposite end of the patterned gather. The gather is then stretched out many feet in opposite directions to form a thin cane, perhaps only 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter.Step D: The thin cane is sliced into smaller sections to use in millefiori paperweights. This graphic illustrates the process of making a paperweight containing millefiori canes.Step A: Slices of canes are arranged in a pattern in a concave steel. moldStep B: A gather of molten glass is lowered onto the mold and picks up the preheated canes.Step C: The first gather is turned upright; a second gather of clear glass is attached to form the dome; The gather is clipped off the pontil with shears. Step D: The gather is turned over; the dome is shaped and smoothed in a wooden block. The paperweight will be cut off the remaining pontil rod and the base smoothed or pattern-cut. This graphic illustrates a few of the silhouette canes that appear in millefiori paperweights; a selection from the Barker Collection.a. a Clichy signature caneb. an 1849 date canec. a dancing girl silhouetted. a hare silhouette canee. a prancing horse silhouette canef. a spaniel dog silhouette cane Types of millefiori canes

Top : Techniques : Millefiori

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