37 My room
"reflects the lifestyle of a Pakistani teen who has resided in
Illinois for the past seven years. On first glimpse the room may
look Americanized, but if one makes a detailed tour foreign
elements can be discovered. In addition, my childish self as well
as my maturing self can be found in the various objects my room
holds. One shelf holds stuffed animals and dolls collected over the
years. The most respected of these toys is an orange stuffed teddy
bear whom I've had since I was four months old and lived in
Algeria. The next shelf holds awards that I won in junior high.
Under the last level is a box with a jumble of tapes ranging from
American music to Spanish ballads and Pakistani rock. My closet is
perhaps one of the most interesting things to examine. The left
half holds all my foreign clothes and the right side holds my
American clothes. My shoes also reflect the cultural difference. I
have 'chapals', or dressy slippers, from Pakistan mixed with
American sneakers and leather pumps."
Ambar Zobairi, 16 years old, Carbondale, IL
© Illinois State Museum 05-Dec-96