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Top : Techniques : Swirls, Crowns

Swirls, Crowns

The Barker Collection contains swirl paperweight by the CLichy factory and corwn paperweights by the St. Louis factory. One swirl weight has been attributed to an unknown American firm.

Red, White, and Green CrownFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702281)Hollow blown crown weight with a series of white filigree twists alternating with twisted red, green, and white ribbons; centered with a yellow and pink millefiori cane Pink and White SwirlFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702289)Swirl weight in two alternating colors (pink and white), around a green and white floret center Four-layered SwirlUnited States (?)factory unknown, twentieth centuryDiameter: 5 cm (2 inches)(702351)Miniature blue, pink, and white four-layered swirl weight with a clear glass bubble center Blue and White SwirlFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702352)Miniature swirl weight in two alternating colors (blue and white), around a pink and blue floret center Pink and White Swirl MiniatureFrance Clichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702360)Miniature swirl weight in two alternating colors (pink and white), around a large green and pink floret center Multicolor CrownFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 inches)(702396)Hollow blown crown weight with a series of white filigree twists alternating with twisted chartreuse, blue, and white, and red, green, and white ribbons; centered with a blue and white millefiori cane Turquoise and White SwirlFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702422)Miniature swirl weight in two alternating colors (turquoise and white), around a pink and white floret center containing a small pink Clichy rose Chartreuse, Blue, and White CrownFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7 cm (2 3/4 inches)(702433)Hollow blown crown weight with a series of white filigree twists alternating with twisted chartreuse, blue, and white ribbons; centered with a pink and blue millefiori cane Blue and White SwirlFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 inches)(702434)Swirl weight in two alternating colors (blue and white), around a large pink floret center Red, White, and Blue CrownFranceSaint Louis, circa 1845-55Diameter: 6.5 cm ( 2 1/2 inches)(702440)Hollow blown crown weight with a series of white filigree twists alternating with twisted red, blue, and white ribbons; centered with a pink, blue, and white millefiori cane Green and White SwirlFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 8 cm (3 1/8 inches)(702441)Swirl weight in two alternating colors (pale green and white), around a large blue and white floret center Pink, White, and Green SwirlFranceClichy, circa 1845-55 Pink and White Miniature SwirlFranceClichy, circa 1845-55Diameter: 4.5 cm (1 3/4 inches)(702457)Miniature swirl weight in two alternating colors (pink and white), around a large blue and white floret center

Top : Techniques : Swirls, Crowns

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Dept. of Natural Resources
Illinois State Museum
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