- "Last night Father and I put up the sitting room stove."
- Henry Nevins Starr, Rockford, Sunday, Sept. 27,
- "Made Wife a milk rack and mended her Shov(el)...White washed
the front room."
- Absalom Oscar Edison, near Martinton, Iroquois
County, June 8, 1870.
- "I wash up my buggy then Paint my wagon. The boys oil both
Setts of Harness. This P.M. Bob & I drive Mag (the horse) to
Plano & have trouble with her."
- Christopher A. Wheeler, Little Rock Township,
Kendall Co., Tues. April 2, 1872.
- "Pa and the boys went to a political meeting at H(illsdale)
- Alice Elizabeth Schall, Port Byron area, Wed.
Oct. 28, 1880.
- "Pa, Mr. Owen and Mr. Mose rendered the lard...[there] was
about 40 gal. and got the sausage made and pig feet cleaned."
- Marion E. Ruffner, Moweaqua, Jan. 6,