Objects How to Navigate the 1800 Object Pages
| Section Objects Overview Page | | Listing of related objects page | | Individual object detail page |

Section Objects Overview Page

This is the banner for the section. Click on it to return you to the beginning of this section. Objects Screenshot Click on a topic to see a listing of related objects from this section. See below for more details.
This is the objects icon, clicking on it will always return you to this page. Click on ththis line to see closeups of the exhibits where these objects are displayed.
Use this button bar to go to the other area's of this section.

Listing of related objects page

This is the banner for the section. Click on it to return to this page. Listing of related objects screenshot Click on an object image to see a closeup and details about the item.
This is the objects icon, clicking on it will always return you to the section objects overview page.
Use these buttons to go either to the At Home homepage, the section's homepage, or the section's objects overview page.

Individual object detail page

This is the banner for the section. Click on it to return to this page. Object screenshot
This is the objects icon, clicking on it will always return you to the section objects overview page.
Use these buttons to go either to the At Home Homepage, the Section Homepage, or the Objects Overview Page.

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© Illinois State Museum 31-Dec-96