Land Surveyor's Notebook Page for the Midewin Region

North between Sect [section] N
27 and 28 TN [township] 32 N
of the Base line R [range]
N 9 E if the 3rd principal meridian

10-00 [at 10 chains] a lake 10 ch[chains] wide bares [bears] E and N
32-10 [at 32 chains, 1 link] a B Oak [black oak] 12 In D [12 inches in diamter]
40-00 [at 40 chains] set [ . . . ] sect post from
which a B Oak 18 in D bares
S 65 E 200 L [links]

64-78 [at 64 chains, 78 links] a B oak 15 In D

70-0 [at 70 chains] a pond of water 500 L wide [500 links]
bares E and N

80-0 [at 80 chains] set a post corner of sect
N 27 and 28-21 and 22
from which a B Oak 12 In D
bares S 74 E 368 L

Land loe [low] and unfit for
cultivation thinly timbered with oak.

Illinois State Museum State of Illinois IDNR Search, Last modified September 1st 2011, 08:13PM.