On the French Frontier 1700-1800
Bed and bedding

Bed etc. 1 bed, straw mattress, pillow, bolster, calico counterpane, feather bed, green wool blanket = 120 livres
Hides 10 pounds of deer hides = 20 livres

"; $totalvalue = $value * $answer; $targetvalue = $correct * $value; if (1 == $answer) { $unit = $unitSingular; } else { $unit = $unitPlural; } if ($correct == $answer) { echo "Correct!, it will take $correct $unit $tradeItem at $value per $unitSingular to equal $targetvalue livres.
\n"; } else { if ($answer < $correct) { $txt = "you need more"; } else { $txt = "that's too much"; } echo "I'm sorry, $txt. $answer $unit $tradeItem is worth $totalvalue livres. Try again!
"; } } else { if (strlen($answer) > 0) { $answer = filterBadWords($answer); echo "You typed in \"$answer\", which confuses me, I can only handle numbers. Please try again.
"; } else { echo "Please type a number into the form
"; } } } ?>
How many pounds of deer hides would you need to trade for the bed and bedding?

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© Illinois State Museum 31-Dec-96