On the French Frontier 1700-1800
The Farmer - Rene Lemoine-Des Pins

Your name is Rene Lemoine-Des Pins Sound, son of Rene and Renee St-Pierre Sound. You are a farmer and a fur-trader. This past hunting season was very successful. You brought home many beaver furs and deer hides. Your crops, however, have done poorly due to the drought of 1752 and increasingly poor soil conditions. You are concerned about how much your crops and furs will bring in New Orleans.

Your cousin, Marie-Louise La Course Sound, who has just arrived from France, is expecting the last of her belongings to arrive in New Orleans. Her brother Louis has asked you to travel with the convoy down to New Orleans to get Marie-Louise's belongings. If you go, he has promised to give you a calf, several hogs, and enough corn to feed your cows, horses, and pigs through the winter.

You are worried about leaving your young wife alone with the responsibility of the farm. You have only been married a year. Many disastrous things could happen while you are away: flooding or an attack by the Fox and Sauk Indians.

Should you stay in Kaskaskia?
Go on convoy Should you go on the convoy?
| Farmer's wife | | Niece from France | | Riverboatman | | African Slave | | Captain of the militia |
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