On the French Frontier 1700-1800

Modern Wine Bottle

Bottle number 3 is a modern wine bottle and can be bought at your local grocery store. Like bottle number 2, it was poured into a mold. The techniques of mass-producing bottles in a factory have become so refined that this bottle almost appears hand blown. However, look at the bottom of the bottle, notice the different textures and the raised numbers. This imprint was made by a machine in a factory. Modern bottles carry numbers on their base identifying them as units of production.

Like bottle number 1, this bottle has a kick-up. Why might a designer give a modern wine bottle a kick-up? Do you think the kick-up is functional or an element of design? To answer this question, refer back to bottle number 1.

You can click on the bottle to get a closer look.


© Illinois State Museum 31-Dec-96